Permission to Shine

Hello Lovelies,

It’s been so long since I have written something here that I’m not even sure this post will turn out right as the WordPress platform looks so different to what I have become accustomed to!

It seems like every time I have written a blog post in recent years, I always start with an apology for leaving it for so long between posts. I have made excuses in the past stating that I was expressing my creativity in other forms and didn’t have the time (or find the need to) blog, and while this was (and still is) true, at this very moment I have come to the realisation that perhaps I wasn’t being completely honest with myself.

Did the darkness of self-doubt begin to slowly creep in?

Perhaps self-doubt is the wrong term, I don’t think I really doubted my ability to express myself creatively through the written word. I think it was something else, something different that I can’t quite put my finger on.

I hope this doesn’t sound too pretentious, as it is certainly not my intention, but the only way I can think to explain it is this: I think I was afraid to shine.

“Afraid to Shine”

Image courtesy of Flickr CC user Claudia Dea

I’m not saying that I am the most brilliant, talented and fabulous writer in the world, no, this isn’t what I think.

It’s hard to explain, but here is my attempt; I think I was perhaps afraid of the consequences if I were to “let my light shine”. What would people think, how would I feel if they liked it, if they didn’t like it? And then I remembered why I began this blog and why I made the decision to begin writing again all those years ago.

Why do we write?

I made that decision because there were words, stories and wonderings that were just itching to be released into the world and I had to let them out. I was writing for myself, first and foremost and if I developed an audience for my writing, great! If not, did that even matter? The answer is no, it didn’t.

The thing is though, perhaps by putting my writing out there and giving myself permission to shine, I could also be giving others permission to shine.

In contemplating this thought, I considered the notion of multi-faceted light. Take a diamond for example, in the absence of light, it appears to be a somewhat unremarkable lump of rock or glass, yet with just the right amount of light it becomes a thing of beauty and awe that has the ability to shine light in the space around it.

So I suppose what I am trying to say is this: Don’t be afraid to let yourself shine, because you may be giving someone else just enough light to let their brilliance and fire shine as well.

Surround yourself with light!



© Katherine A. Kovács and The Writer Within, (2013-2021). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Katherine A. Kovàcs and The Writer Within with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.